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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida


Overnight Storm Takes Down Numerous Trees in Ave Maria

Thtrees-hv2ere was plenty of work for clean-up crews Sunday, but no reports of any injuries or major property damage in Ave Maria, after a violent storm moved through sourthwest Florida overnight.

The storm knocked out power to about 1,500 people in Immokalee and farther north, in Manatee County, tornadoes claimed two lives and caused extensive damage.

The National Weather Service reported winds of up to 80 miles per hour in the Naples area.

In Ave Maria, damage appeared to be confined to more than a dozen trees that were either blown over or had branches sheared off by the wind. Landscapers were called in to clear the damage.


Above, crews working to clear a downed tree on Milano St.

Left, children found a downed tree on Taylor Drive a new place to play.









Right, several trees at North Park were blown down. Below, another tree down in the Bellera neighborhood of Del Webb. (Bellera photo by Nancy Freeman)








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