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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida


LCEC Reduces Electricity Rates

Electricity rates are going down again in Ave Maria.

LCEC, which provides electricity service to Ave Maria and surrounding areas, has announced it is reducing its electric rates for the third time in less than two years. Company officials say the new rates are are among the lowest of all 56 utilities in Florida, and the overall lowest for electric cooperatives in the state.

The latest decrease is 2.1 percent for residential customers, which LCED says is 11.6 percent lower than the average rate of all Florida electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and investor-owned utilities.

In announcing the new rates Thursday, LCEC CEO Dennie Hamilton said, "As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, LCEC is not motivated by profit but by service to its customers throughout the region.

This is the second rate decrease this year for LCEC customers, who have not seen an increase in more than seven years. This most recent rate decrease is the result of power cost savings that are being passed along to customers.


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