Film Will Introduce Mary's Meal's Charitable Project

Published on Saturday, 10 November 2012 18:26

child31-200"Mary's Meals," an effort being promoted by AMU students to provide two meals of porridge a day to children in poor countries around the world, enabling them to attend school instead of scrambling to find food, is being introduced with two showings this week of the half-hour film "Child 31." Andrea Kunza, a worker on the project, says she hopes not only the AMU community, but town residents and their families will come to one the showings which will be held in the lecture hall on the AMU campus.

"Child 31" tells the stories of individuals whose lives have been changed by the project.

The Sunday showing is at 8 o'clock, with its start time adjusted slightly as necessary to allow for the arrival of those attending 7 o'clock mass.

The showing on Wednesday begins at 7:30.